Making HEADway
Educational Leadership in a Crisis
At the height of the COVID-19 crisis, 1.4 billion students saw themselves stuck at home as schools around the world closed their doors. No one knew when they could go back to school. Despite this, many school leaders have risen to the challenge and innovated to navigate these uncharted waters.
In this practice-focused webinar series held in September 2020, school leaders from Southeast Asia show how they have led school- and system-wide responses to the educational disruptions caused by COVID-19, while eminent educational leadership academics discuss how you can adapt these strategies and tips to your schools. This practice-focused series aims to share best practices and relevant, actionable strategies and tips with school leaders and educators in the region.
Part 1 | Mobilising Your Community
How have school leaders mobilised resources and engaged with various stakeholders in their scramble to make plans for remote learning? In the first session, we explored how school leaders, as figureheads of their schools and communities, can work with parents and community to create a holistic learning environment in these uncertain times. Watch full webinar.
Part 2 | Nurturing Your Staff
The Industrial Revolution model of schooling and teaching—or factory model schools—is outdated. How can school leaders regard and support teachers not just as cogs in a wheel, but as learning partners? In this session, we looked at what school leaders can do to support, motivate and empower their teachers as they juggle remote teaching with their personal lives. Watch full webinar.
Part 3 | Caring for Your Students
While each school and country have its own unique set of challenges and opportunities, our panellists are united by their unwavering commitment to ensure that essential education services, including mental and social support, are available to all students, especially the disadvantaged. In this final session, we looked at how school leaders can embrace technology to keep track of their students’ learning and well-being. Watch full webinar.
Handbook for Educators
Read the follow-up to the webinar series. This handbook brings together ideas discussed during the webinar series that we hope will be a resource and inspiration to school leaders working to create their desired school culture and build back better.
This handbook is also available in Bahasa Indonesia, Malay and Vietnamese.
Making HEADway
Educational Leadership in a Crisis
Mobilising Your Community
Nurturing Your Staff
Caring for Your Students
Kepemimpinan Pendidikan di Masa Krisis
PART 1 | Mobilising Your Community
PART 2 | Nurturing Your Staff
PART 3 | Caring for Your Students
Handbook for Educators
At the height of the COVID-19 crisis, 1.4 billion students saw themselves stuck at home as schools around the world closed their doors. No one knew when they could go back to school. Despite this, many school leaders have risen to the challenge and innovated to navigate these uncharted waters.
In this practice-focused webinar series held in September 2020, school leaders from Southeast Asia show how they have led school- and system-wide responses to the educational disruptions caused by COVID-19, while eminent educational leadership academics discuss how you can adapt these strategies and tips to your schools. This practice-focused series aims to share best practices and relevant, actionable strategies and tips with school leaders and educators in the region.
Part 1 | Mobilising Your Community
How have school leaders mobilised resources and engaged with various stakeholders in their scramble to make plans for remote learning? In the first session, we explored how school leaders, as figureheads of their schools and communities, can work with parents and community to create a holistic learning environment in these uncertain times. Watch full webinar.
Part 2 | Nurturing Your Staff
The Industrial Revolution model of schooling and teaching—or factory model schools—is outdated. How can school leaders regard and support teachers not just as cogs in a wheel, but as learning partners? In this session, we looked at what school leaders can do to support, motivate and empower their teachers as they juggle remote teaching with their personal lives. Watch full webinar.
Part 3 | Caring for Your Students
While each school and country have its own unique set of challenges and opportunities, our panellists are united by their unwavering commitment to ensure that essential education services, including mental and social support, are available to all students, especially the disadvantaged. In this final session, we looked at how school leaders can embrace technology to keep track of their students’ learning and well-being. Watch full webinar.
Handbook for Educators
Read the follow-up to the webinar series. This concise and informative handbook brings together ideas discussed during the webinar series that we hope will inspire school leaders in Southeast Asia, who are all grappling with the challenges of education disruption due to the current crisis.
This handbook is also available in Bahasa Indonesia, Malay and Vietnamese.