
The Green Impact of Hydrogen — Building a Sustainable Future Through Innovation

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In this Dialogues session The Green Impact of Hydrogen: Building a Sustainable Future Through Innovation on 26 September, we were joined by five esteemed industry leaders in the hydrogen fuel cell space, who shared technological innovations that have transformed the renewable energy industry. The panel featured Mr Wang Gucheng, Head of Clean Energy Research Centre at Temasek Polytechnic, Mr Noel Chin, President of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association of Singapore (HFCAS), Ms Tulika Raj, CEO and Co-Founder of SunGreenH2, Mr Jogjaman Jap, CEO of Spectronik, and Dr Kho Lip Khoon, Head of Corporate Development & Economy Division at the Ministry of Energy & Environmental Sustainability Sarawak.

While the technology is not novel, using hydrogen as a clean and renewable energy source for mass industrial and commercial consumption has only just gained traction within the last half decade. For hydrogen to be considered a carbon-neutral energy source, it has to be made using renewable energy sources — and not through fossil fuels. Our panellists explored the conditions required for sustainable and scalable green hydrogen production, how innovations are being piloted in Singapore schools, and the implications of using clean hydrogen as a renewable energy option to power cities.

In Singapore, government support has provided local SMEs such as SunGreenH2 and Spectronik the foundations they need to make breakthroughs in hydrogen fuel cell technology. CEO and co-founder of SunGreenH2 Tulika Raj discussed how the company’s patent electrolysers produce hydrogen-based energy at high efficiency and low cost, to ensure clean hydrogen can be affordably and accessibly mass produced for industrial use. Over at Spektronic, CEO Jogjaman Jap shared how portable h fuel cells are being tested to power urban mobility, fuelling transportation devices from drones to cars.

A crucial part of the innovation pipeline, schools are also piloting and testing hydrogen-based technology. Head of the Clean Energy Research Center at Temasek Polytechnic Wang Gucheng shared student-led experiments in hydrogen technology, and their process of cultivating a new generation of eco-conscious innovators.

Finally, our speakers touched on the practical and industry-wide applications of hydrogen technology as a renewable energy source in cities. Dr Kho Lip Khoon, Head of the Corporate Development and Economy Division at the Ministry of Environmental Sustainability Sarawak, who delivered his presentation from the Malaysian state, shared how the state has incorporated hydrogen-based technology into their arsenal of renewable energy resources. Green hydrogen is generated from the state’s abundance of hydropower and is currently on track to power its public transport systems.

Founding President for the hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association of Singapore Noel Chin also shared their mission to support Singapore’s national hydrogen strategy, through demonstration projects and uplifting local SMEs in the industry. Singapore targets hydrogen energy to make up about 50% of its power supply by 2050.

Disclaimer: The views expressed by the speakers in this webinar are their own and do not represent the opinions of The HEAD Foundation.

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