
The HEAD Foundation signs MOU to support the rollout of Sekolah Enuma Indonesia (SEI) in Muhammadiyah Schools

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The HEAD Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Lazismu and Enuma on 6 June 2022 to support a two-year rollout of Sekolah Enuma Indonesia (SEI), an early childhood digital learning app, in Muhammadiyah Schools. The programme, named EduTabMu, will benefit 3,000 primary school students from the provinces of North Sumatra, Bangka Belitung, North Kalimantan, and Sulawesi South.

The MOU signing took place at Muhammadiyah’s Head Office in Yogyakarta and was attended by a group of executives from Muhammadiyah, Lazismu and Enuma, as well as reporters from the local media.

Dr Mahli Zainuddin Tago, Chairman of Lazismu, gave the opening welcome address for the event. This was followed by remarks from Dr Wan Chang Da, Chief Operating Officer of The HEAD Foundation, Mr Ming Wong, Vice President of Government and Global Partnership at Enuma Inc. and Prof Dr Kasiyarno, Deputy Chairperson of Muhammadiyah Education Council.

“We believe early childhood learning is the most important part of every child’s learning journey. We are also aware of the resource gap in Indonesia, especially after the disruption caused by the COVID pandemic. That was why we supported Enuma to develop SEI, and we are also supporting multiple NGOs to roll out SEI in various underserved communities in Indonesia,” said Dr Wan Chang Da in his speech.

Dr Wan Chang Da, Chief Operating Officer of The HEAD Foundation

“We signed our first MOU with Lazismu in February 2021. The original goal was to bring Sekolah Enuma to 5,000 children but because of COVID disruption, we ended up with half this number. We are grateful for the trust given to our Enuma team for Phase One of the EduTabMu programme, and we are delighted to be able to launch Phase Two today with the support of The HEAD Foundation,” Mr Ming Wong told the audience.

Mr Ming Wong, Vice President of Government and Global Partnership at Enuma Inc.

“The results from the implementation of EduTabMu in 2021 are clear. The programme has a positive impact on our students’ learning process and our teaching capacity. We were also able to attract more students to enrol in the schools that have implemented EduTabMu,” said Prof Dr Kasiyarno.

Prof Dr Kasiyarno, Deputy Chairperson of Muhammadiyah Education Council

The HEAD Foundation looks forward to the positive impact of the programme and receiving more positive feedback from the stakeholders in the target communities. We also hope our catalytic effort will attract more support and funding to roll out SEI to more children in Indonesia who need to build a stronger knowledge foundation during their early school years.

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