
Using Learning Action Cells to Improve Science Teacher-Learning in the Philippines

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The HEAD Foundation is working with the University of Philippines to develop and track the impact of LAC sessions guides that will help Grade 6 science teachers in conducting localised LAC sessions and improve their teaching of science topics.

In 2016, the Department of Education in the Philippines issued “The Learning Action Cell (LAC) as a K to 12 Basic Education Program School-Based Continuing Professional Development Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning” order. This order seeks to refine the teacher-learning process by developing the knowledge, attitudes and competencies of teachers in areas such as curriculum, instruction and assessment.

LAC sessions, facilitated by a designated LAC leader, have proven to be effective in engaging a group of teachers in collaborating and solving shared challenges. LAC sessions encourage critical reflection amongst teachers which increases the understanding and knowledge of the curriculum and classroom practices.
Dr Dina Ocampo from the College of Education, University of the Philippines embarked on a project to develop LAC sessions guides to improve teaching-learning process in grade 6 science.

This project, funded by The HEAD Foundation, includes developing LAC materials for Grade 6 Science teachers and conducting workshop training for principals, teachers and LAC leads from low-performing schools in two regions of the Philippines. Through analysing the reflection logs and documents of participants, the team will also develop protocols on the conduct of LAC sessions and ways to verify the effect of LAC sessions on content knowledge and pedagogical skills of the teachers, and ultimately, student outcomes; and propose policy recommendations.

Participants And Project Team Of The First Regional LAC Training Workshop

From 20 to 24 May 2019, the team conducted a 5-day Regional Training Workshop for 57 participants from all 19 school divisions of the Central Visayas region. The participants learnt how to organise and manage LAC sessions in their schools; and how to conduct science lessons effectively by incorporating hands-on activities and worksheets. Each division also came up with action plans for their LAC sessions by topic, and the schedule for classroom training, and will conduct these LAC sessions as planned.

Check out the gallery below for photos from the first training workshop:

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