THF’s Managing Director, Mr Lim Yu Book, Academic Director, Prof S. Gopinathan and Principal Researcher, Dr Uma Natarajan attended the Jakarta Basic Education Conference 2017: Shared Principles for an Equitable and Excellent Basic Education System on March 21-23, 2017 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The forum was jointly organized by the World Bank Group, Ministry of Culture and Education, Indonesia, and the Australian Government. The conference aimed to share lessons from other best practices and “excellent systems” in basic education globally as well as to facilitate new networks and partnerships. Participants included government officials and education, experts from the World Bank Group and other development partners, education institutions, researchers and technical experts, and representatives from the private sector. Prof Gopinathan was a panel discussant for the Panel Discussion: Lessons from Some High-Performing Systems. He shared his experiences on the Singapore system with other panellists who were from Canada and Estonia.
For more information of the conference, click here.