The Education Renovation in Vietnam and the Asian Region conference was organized by a team of partners which includes the British Council, Vietnam; University of Glasgow (UoG), Vietnam National University (VNU), Education and Vietnam Institute of Educational Science (VNIES). Prof Gopi and Dr Uma Natarajan represented THF in the Conference. The conference was held on 29 June 2016 in Hanoi, Vietnam. THF has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the University of Glasgow which leads the work on education reform implementation in Vietnam. The joint study will explore a potential Phase II to support capacity building and sustainable models for training and development in the Vietnamese context. Prof Gopi presented on the education reform experience in Singapore and chaired a panel on comparative experiences (eg. Lessons from Singapore, Shanghai and Glasgow in education reform).
Vietnam has introduced multiple reforms in all K-12 disciplines simultaneously and named it a radical and comprehensive renovation. The reforms target the areas of curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, management and leadership. The aim is to improve schools and student outcomes. The conference was organized by government and Ministry of Education partners in Vietnam as they were keen to learn and understand from experiences of nation-wide reform from other Asian nations like Singapore and also the UK and Scottish experience from UoG. Professor Clive Dimmock, a THF Fellow, Professor of Leadership from UoG , was Vietnam government’s partner in the reform initiatives.