
Transformational Leadership

CESL 2023 group

The HEAD Foundation, in partnership with University of Nottingham (UoN), Ateneo de Manila University’s Ateneo Centre for Educational Development (ACED) and Security Bank Foundation (SBFI), would like to congratulate the 30 school principals who completed the fourth run of the Certificate in Education Studies in Leadership (CESL) programme from July to October 2023.

Having SBFI onboard as a new partner increased the reach of CESL and strengthened the value of local implementation partners in delivering effective education programmes to participants.

Dr Vicente Reyes, Programme Director

Our partners and stakeholders, such as the National Educators Academy of the Philippines and Department of Education, joined us in highlighting the importance of leadership in enabling education reform in the country during the showcase conference on 27 October 2023.

Throughout CESL, participants discussed transformational leadership models. They also addressed a key issue in their own school through their Transformational Action Plan (TAP), incorporating the concepts learnt during the course. The outcomes of their TAP will be tracked to assess sustainability of change practices.

Five CESL alumni from the Philippines served as critical friends who graciously shared their experience and expertise, which effectively guided  participants through the four months. This demonstrates community support to propel sustainable and continued change in the education sector.

The HEAD Foundation would also like to thank two industry partners, Accenture and Canva Philippines, for showcasing their innovative practices and incorporation of technology during the site visits in July 2023.

CESL is part of the SBFI-ACED three-year programme on “Mentoring Future Leaders For National Building”.

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