
Delivering Effective Professional Development for Indonesian Mathematics and Science Teachers: The HEAD Foundation and the World Bank organise an Immersion Programme in Singapore

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Five-day programme from 15 to 19 October designed to provide opportunities for Indonesian teacher educators to learn how Singapore trains its teachers.

Singapore, 15 October 2018 – Singapore-based think tank The HEAD Foundation, in its first collaboration with the World Bank, welcomed Indonesian teacher educators to Singapore for a five-day immersion programme focused on delivering effective professional development for mathematics and science teachers.

The World Bank and The HEAD Foundation developed this customised, and focused learning programme for participants from leading Indonesian teacher training institutions to share with university leaders and teacher educators how Singapore implements, monitors and evaluates its primary mathematics and science teacher education programmes.

The programme is part of the World Bank’s larger joint effort with Indonesia’s Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs (DGLSA) at the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (MoRTHE), and the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) to improve the quality of future teachers by strengthening teacher education programmes (Pendidikan Profesi Guru – PPG) at selected teacher training institutions (LPTKs). Also supported by the Government of Australia, these partnerships and programmes are all in support of Indonesia’s recent implementation of reforms aimed at improving the quality of both in-service and pre-service teacher education.

“Indonesia has made significant strides in its efforts to improve teacher quality especially after the implementation of the Teacher Law of 2005,” said Professor Muchlas Samani, Chairman of the National Committee for the Teacher Professional Education Student Competency Test – iterating the message from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Indonesia). “To continue on this trajectory, we have partnered with The HEAD Foundation to help organise this programme in Singapore, and to learn first-hand about the country’s methods that have produced quality teachers.”

The 22 participants from ten training institutions will get to learn good practices shared by teacher training experts and visit the National Institute of Education (NIE) and Fajar Secondary School to observe on-the-ground implementation of teacher preparation and training programmes.

“The programme includes an actionable project that will ensure the scaling up and impact of the participants’ learning in Singapore,” said Professor S. Gopinathan, Academic Advisor to The HEAD Foundation. “Through this collaboration with the World Bank, we hope to give participants opportunities to pick up many useful lessons that they can implement in Indonesia.”

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