
Capacity Building Programmes

TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge)

Technology has permeated every aspect of our lives, and education is no exception. The rapid rate of technological advancement has left many experienced and talented teachers in the lurch. Others are well-versed with the latest technologies but do not possess the necessary skills to utilise these technologies in the classroom.

Having observed these gaps, The HEAD Foundation, together with experts from the National Institute of Education (Singapore), Ewha Womans University (Korea) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, has designed and delivered a series of TPACK workshops in Indonesia at Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) and Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS).

These workshops focused on several aspects of TPACK namely: an introduction to TPACK; meaningful 21st century learning; adaptation of content and importance of school context; the scaffolded TPACK design model; evaluation of a sample lesson; and designing a lesson based on TPACK.

Capacity Building Programmes
TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge)

TPACK 2018

TPACK 2017

TPACK 2016

Technology has permeated every aspect of our lives, and education is no exception. The rapid rate of technological advancement has left many experienced and talented teachers in the lurch. Others are well-versed with the latest technologies but do not possess the necessary skills to utilise these technologies in the classroom.

Having observed these gaps, The HEAD Foundation, together with experts from the National Institute of Education (Singapore), Ewha Womans University (Korea) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, has designed and delivered a series of TPACK workshops in Indonesia at Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) and Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS).

These workshops focused on several aspects of TPACK namely: an introduction to TPACK; meaningful 21st century learning; adaptation of content and importance of school context; the scaffolded TPACK design model; evaluation of a sample lesson; and designing a lesson based on TPACK.

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Making HEADway

Workshop | Science Communication for STEM
Education 2024


Capacity Building Programmes

Certificate in Education Studies in Leadership

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Making HEADway

Handbook | Becoming Leaders in Sustainability Education

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A Multi-Centre Clinical Research on the Efficacy of Tuina


Lecture Series

COVID-19 What Next…? | On the Road to Recovery

ADI virtual conference 2020


The HEAD Foundation Supports the 34th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International

Thought Leadership



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The Green Impact of Hydrogen — Building a Sustainable Future Through Innovation

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Can We Recreate Memory? — Reversing Age-related Cognitive Decline



Navigating the AI Terrain

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Learning gains from COVID-19, diversifying educational pathways and lifelong learning, and more

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