Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) education teaches students 21st century skills that allows them to thrive and contribute to the development of their respective communities.
Cambodia Future Oriented STEM (CFOS) looks at designing STEM Learning for Cambodia 4.0, specifically aiming to support teachers’ curriculum development and students’ 21st century competencies learning. This includes the re-envisioning of future classrooms in Cambodia, identifying curriculum potentials and gaps, and aligning the STEM curriculum with existing national standards.
The programme has been offered to STEM educators from New Generation Schools (NGS), New Generation Pedagogical Research Center (NGPRC) and National Institute of Education (NIE) in the country. From July to September 2022, 30 STEM educators participated in online and in-person workshops to learn about STEM 4.0, application of differentiated instructions for STEM learning, and pedagogical and facilitative approaches for 21st century competencies. Lesson studies were also conducted at schools.
Aside from the learning materials specifically designed for the programme, additional resources such as The HEAD Foundation’s handbook for educators titled “Teaching STEM in Southeast Asia” were given out to participants and inspired some of the programme activities.
CFOS participants convened in Phnom Penh on 30 September and 1 October 2022 to review and showcase highlights of their learning outcomes. Dr Romny Om, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia was the Guest of Honour at the Learning Festival on 1 October.
CFOS programme is offered by The HEAD Foundation, in partnership with NGPRC, Kampuchea Action to Promote Education (KAPE) and Edimpact.