
COVID-19 What Next…?: The New Normal


A new normal is inevitable in a post-COVID-19 world. But what will it look like?

On 27 May 2020, in the second webinar of The HEAD Foundation’s “COVID-19 What Next…?” series, Prof Tikki Pangestu, the host and moderator of the webinar series, spoke with Prof Wolfgang Schuster from the European Foundation for Education; Prof Danny Quah from the NUS’s Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and Dr Joanne Yoong from the Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR), University of Southern California, on the lessons COVID-19 has taught the world and how we should apply them to navigate the new normal.


Against the backdrop of a tense geopolitical climate and long-standing social inequality, the panellists highlighted the urgent need to rebuild strong institutions with good governance and to leverage technology wisely to address resource constraints and social tension post-COVID-19. With unemployment soaring unprecedentedly high and new threats to security and health looming around the corner, it is almost certain that life ahead will be difficult. Yet, if key actors at all levels—from citizens to governments, corporations to social organisations—join hands in the battle, the world can weather the storm together with no one left behind.

To find out more about the insightful exchange among the panellists and their responses to questions posed by the audience, we invite you to watch the recording of the webinar.

The HEAD Foundation sincerely thanks the webinar panellists and attendees from 14 countries, including Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, UK, USA and Singapore for your support and participation.

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