
Transforming Educational Leaders in the Philippines

Transformational Educational Leadership in the 21st Century-web

We now live in a VUCA – volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous – world where technology is rapidly transforming the way we live, teach and learn. In order to keep up with the pace of change and provide to their charges , school leaders need to possess skills to implement effective, culturally-appropriate and context-responsive transformation.

21 Filipino educational leaders and educational officials were selected to attend the second offering of Certificate in Educational Studies in Leadership under the Transformational Educational Leadership in the 21st Century Contexts programme. This programme is offered by the University of Queensland’s School of Education in partnership with The HEAD Foundation and Ateneo de Manila University’s Ateneo Center for Educational Development (ACED).

The programme started on 1 August 2019 with the first face-to-face workshop. Dr Vicente Reyes, the Programme Director, encouraged participants to embrace technology and online communities of practices, and actively engage with stakeholders in leading change.

Dr Vicente Reyes, Programme Director

The programme ran from August to October 2019 and covered foundations of leadership, perspectives in educational leadership, and fundamentals of educational leadership and change. Technology and online communities of practices were key features of the programme, with Dr Vicente Reyes, the Programme Director, delivering the course using a blended learning model.

Ms Johanna Gervacio, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent of the Nueva Ecija Division, presents her Transformational Action Plan

Throughout the three months, the participants worked on their Transformational Action Project, involving their teachers, students, parents, and communities. They presented the results of their hard work on 26 October 2019, at the culminating, project showcase conference. Prof S. Gopinathan, The HEAD Foundation; Prof Tony Bush, University of Nottingham; and A/P Vicente Reyes, The University of Queensland, delivered keynote speeches which set the premise for the project showcases.

Check out the rest of the photos on Facebook! From improving student literacy and numeracy to training teachers in sign language, educational technology and research practices, the participants showed immense passion and dedication to improving their schools. It was heartening to see how these leaders spearheaded the transformation and how their students and teachers showed improvements in their wellbeing over the short span of three months.

As Dr Carmela C. Oracion from ACED said in the opening session of the programme, we hope that these leaders, through their transformational action project, can effect change that will create greater impact and successes one after another, resulting in a domino effect in the education community of the Philippines.

We are proud of what the participants have achieved during these 3 months, and look forward to further transformations of their schools and communities. This is the second time The HEAD Foundation is partnering with the University of Queensland to implement CESL. Read more about the 2018 programme with the Universitas Negiri Jakarta here.

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