
Educational Leaders for the 21st Century: The HEAD Foundation Collaborates with UQ School of Education

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The HEAD Foundation and the University of Queensland’s School of Education are working together to address the relevant issues and challenges in educational leadership in Southeast Asia.

The Educational Leaders for the 21st Century is the collaborative partnership between these two key principal partners. This pilot project represented in this initiative is the Certificate in Educational Studies in Leadership (CESL).
The CESL to be spearheaded by UQ SOE and The HEAD Foundation will be implemented through a collaborative relationship with one of Indonesia’s leading higher education institution: Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ).
Certificate in Educational Studies in Leadership (CESL)

The inaugural Certificate in Educational Studies in Leadership (CESL) is a stand-alone learning module designed to provide qualified teachers and educational officers in Indonesia with a repertoire of knowledge, skills and dispositions enabling them to implement effective, culturally-based and context responsive leadership in the school system.

The design principles of CESL revolve around three core concepts:

  1. the use of blended strategies for leadership learning that balances online and workshop sessions;
  2. the application of experiential learning through guided school and industry visits built around problem-based learning (PBL) approaches and
  3. the extensive use of Communities of Practice (COPs) through guided reflection sessions and planned encounters with Critical Friends/Mentors.

The four courses to be covered in the six-month programme are:

  1. Foundations of Leadership;
  2. Perspectives in Educational Leadership;
  3. Fundamentals of Educational Leadership and Change and
  4. Principles of Work, Careers and Educational Leadership, a group-based action research component

Click here for more details on the courses under the programme.
Watch Universitas Negeri Jakarta’s video below for scenes from the programme.

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