
Helping Indonesian Teachers to Create Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) for 21st Century Learning

Helping Indonesian Teachers to Create Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) for 21st Century Learning
TPACK project for building the capacity of teachers in Indonesia is an initiative in which participants were trained to use design thinking for lesson design using ICT. Principal Investigators: Uma Natarajan, Chai Ching Sing, Joyce Koh The meaningful use of technology to engage students in solving authentic real world problems through active/constructive learning in classrooms is fundamental to 21st century oriented learning. However, there are still widespread concerns about teachers’ ability to integrate technology in classrooms and design lessons that can engage students meaningfully. The Principal Investigators of this project believe that the key to resolving this problem lies in enabling teachers to create Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) for 21st century learning. While laudable efforts have been made in many ASEAN education systems, like Indonesia, in terms of infrastructure and teacher capacity building, there is still lot more to be done to provide enhanced access and high quality learning with technology. In contrast, other countries like Singapore in the region have made excellent ICT infrastructure development and implemented successful initiatives in teacher capacity building. ICT provides opportunities for teachers in developing nations to share digital learning resources, engage in professional development and build a professional learning community.

there are still widespread concerns about teachers’ ability to integrate technology in classrooms and design lessons that can engage students meaningfully

TPACK project for building the capacity of teachers in Indonesia is an initiative in which participants were trained to use design thinking for lesson design using ICT. The emergence of TPACK as a theoretical framework to develop educators for the integration of ICT in teaching has transformed education for educational technology. Many education institutes have refocused their educational technology courses towards learning by design where students are tasked to synthesize and transform their technological knowledge (TK). The HEAD Foundation partnered with Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) and Universitas Sebelas Maret in Indonesia to implement the TPACK capacity building initiative for Indonesians teachers with experts from the National Institute of Education, Singapore. The initial findings from the project have revealed that Indonesian teachers possess strong beliefs that education with technology should move towards the new culture of learning and teachers should be the designers for such learning. Nonetheless, the teachers need to build more on their capacities and efficacies in designing 21st century learning with technology. The HEAD Foundation organised three workshops on TPACK in Indonesia:

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