Increasing globalization and the rise of social media have resulted in a more integrated world, with correspondingly more complex social networks and relationships among economies, societies, organisations and individuals.
How then can such invaluable social capital be more optimally cultivated and how do successful leaders utilize their social networks and resources? To an overwhelming record number of participants who poured into a full lecture hall, Prof Henrik Bresman, Academic Director of the HEAD Foundation, offered greater clarity and enlightening insights from his research into this very topical issue.
He started with an explanation of what constituted social capital and actively engaged the audience through some thought exercises on the important linkages within social networks, the different types of social networks and how they can help to address certain situations. Most importantly, he emphasized that in building successful social capital, sincerity, along with a long term perspective and a respect for reciprocity, are critically important factors to make it work.
Professor Henrik Bresman is an expert on leadership and also author of the top-selling book, “X-Teams: How to Build Teams that Lead, Innovate and Succeed.”